Designing an intelligent dynamic model of preventive maintenance and repairs in the textile and clothing industry in interaction with production using fuzzy-artificial neural network.

Document Type : Original Article


1 South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran , Iran

2 Islamic Azad University Science and Research Branch

3 Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

4 Department of Industrial Engineering, Science and Research branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.


One of the issues that cause problems for industries today, especially in the field of sales, is the cost of repairing equipment breakdowns and, as a result, out of service. Specific to that organization, therefore, it should be done by the managers and researchers of that group. Conducting the research "Designing a dynamic intelligent model of preventive maintenance and repairs using the methodology of artificial nervous system - fuzzy logic and in interaction with the production" of the documents of textile and clothing industries in Borujerd, where the project is implemented and on a sample of 2000 of them, the simulation is Vansim's help and then using the artificial intelligence environment of MATLAB software can be claimed. that if (If); situation "Technology factor in Net" should be good, that is 0.9129; and the situation"employees in the net" is good (the upper limit of the membership function is good), that is, 0.9239; And the status of "working environment factor on the net" is relatively good, that is, exactly 0.8859; And the status of should be completel


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